Laiex, S.L.



Laiex is the largest Spanish manufacturer of acrylates (pure acrylates, styrene acrylates and vinyl acetates) and SBR latex. The products are used in a wide range of applications. These include the paint, varnish, printing ink, textile, construction and bitumen industries.

The family-run company was founded in 1970 and employs over 90 people at its headquarters in Paterna, almost 30 of whom work in research and development alone. The laboratories are state-of-the-art and the company is constantly working on improving existing products and developing new ones. In 2019, Laiex and its partner, König-Ludwig-Beteiligungsgesellschaft, opened another plant in Germany (Recklinghausen). This increased production capacity by 140% and enabled this cooperation to open a strategically important production and distribution channel in Central Europe. Around 35 employees now work at this plant. Sufficient production capacity is available. Alfred Kochen has been a representative of Laiex for numerous customers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland since 2014. Laiex supplies an extensive product portfolio with extremely effective products. All qualities are suitable for “aqueous” and “self-crosslinking” applications. Have we aroused your interest in Laiex products? – Please contact Mr. Thomas Seelig-Henck and Mr. Rokhan Aschemchel

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If so, please get in touch with our contact persons to obtain technical information, prices or, if necessary, free samples